Cardinal and Sunflower

This oak carving is 18″ tall. The customer is going to paint it and give it to his wife for Christmas.


Thanks for looking. Hope all have a Merry Christmas celebrating the fulfilling of all the prophecies God spoke through the ages of a coming Messiah who would be “born of a virgin” in a town called “Bethlehem” and whose name would be called “Immanuel which means God with us” who would be a “Wonderful Counselor, A Mighty God, a Heavenly Father and a Prince of Peace”. For thousands of years, all who had faith in God’s word had been patiently waiting for God to come as a “Savior” who would save humanity from it’s slavery to sin’s authority and from God’s judgement of sin and offer us the opportunity to live our lives under a new authority – our Heavenly Father who rules His Kingdom with Love.

So finally, when an angel appeared to some shepherds one evening and told them about “Good news of great joy for all the people”, the believing shepherds knew why it was good news of great joy! The prophecies had finally been fulfilled!!! The Messiah, Christ the Lord has finally come!!! The “child has been born and the Son has finally been given”!!!! This is why the believer’s and the angels were raising their voices without restrain crying “Hallelujah!!!!! Glory to God in the Highest!!!!” This is why they came with gifts to honor this baby boy who would grow to teach the world of God’s righteousness and to take the penalty of all mankind’s sin upon himself, so that we could be forgiven and free to know and serve our Heavenly Father under his authority not ours, under His love not our sin, and by the power of His Holy Spirit not by the fallen and limited will of man, and as a citizen of His Heavenly Kingdom “coming on the Earth”, not just the fallen, Earthly Kingdom of America.

What an awesome opportunity Jesus has given us! The gift of his life and death and resurrection 2000 years ago that allows us to have a living, dynamic relationship with God and His Kingdom today in 2013!!! Jesus walked the Earth historically 2000 years ago, but “the good news of great joy” is still good news of great joy because Jesus is still alive today and is still pouring out his Spirit powerfully “on those who believe”.

God bless you all this Christmas! May we all come to know Him closer in 2013.
