Critter Sprayer – low cost, effective spray gun!

Spray guns are great to have because they give a smoother finish than brushes, and can be much faster. They can also be used creatively to create fades between colors. This critter sprayer is a spray gun that hooks up to an air compressor and pulls paints or stains or varnishes out of a mason jar. You can adjust the size of the spray by the nozzle on top and the pressure of the compressor.

I’ve used a critter sprayer on my signs and sculptures for years and continue to be satisfied with the results. If you’ve got a special mix, it’s great because you can put it in a ball jar and seal it until your next use. To clean, you just hook up a jar of water and or mineral spirits and spray until clean. It’s that easy!

Click this link if you want to check it out on
